Sometimes, we are so busy with pressing clinical and operational matters that we forget to take the time to review our insurance portfolio and make sure we are covered properly. CAP knows how difficult it can be for our members to meet all the challenges they face, which is why we created CAP Physicians Insurance Agency, Inc., a wholly owned CAP subsidiary. Through this agency, CAP members have their very own consultants available to help them get adequately protected on all fronts, not just their medical malpractice coverage.
Just like doing a physical checkup, it is a good idea to review your medical practice and your personal life each year – especially if there have been changes that may increase your risk. Perhaps you have grown or changed the nature of your practice, hired additional staff, purchased new equipment, or opened or moved to a new location. On the personal side, you may have a new addition to the family, a new teenage driver, a new vacation home, or a new boat or other hobby item. Whatever the change, it may increase your exposure both professionally and personally.
The licensed, trained professional insurance agents of CAP Physicians Insurance Agency, Inc. will walk you through the risk exposures and insurance solutions and do a checkup on your current coverage, as well as provide you with comparative, competitive quotes at no cost to you. CAP Agency is like having your own personal insurance consultant. The agency’s insurance carriers, many of which are rated A+ by A.M. Best Company, know the medical community and understand physicians and their practice needs. CAP Agency has access to the best insurance programs to protect our member physicians.
Let us help you with your checkup. Contact CAP Agency to quickly get quotes and personalized consulting at 800-819-0061 or at
To further assist you in obtaining proper coverage, be on the lookout for The Physician’s Action Guide to Business Insurance, coming soon from CAP and the CAP Agency.