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Prescription Drug Abuse: ‪How to ‬Comply to ‪Avoid Liability‬ ‬(PART 3)

(This is the third in our four-part video education series for health care professionals called Prescription Drug Abuse: ‪How to ‬Comply to ‪Avoid Liability‬. Watch Part 1, Part 2, and Part 4.)

In the US, there is a crisis of opioid addiction, overdose and death. Annually, more Americans die from prescription drug-related adverse events than from car accidents. As a result, medical providers, hospitals, and pharmacists are being aggressively investigated and criminally prosecuted by state and federal authorities nationwide.

On-Demand Webinar: Key Strategies for Ensuring a Profitable Independent Practice
During this one-hour program, practice management expert Debra Phairas discusses how various business models and operational enhancements can increase revenue to help your practice remain successful in today’s competitive marketplace.

The DEA has authority to visit unannounced and receive immediate access to all prescription records going back two years. So what do you do when they show up?

Watch this video DEA Agents Are in My Office Right Now. What Do I Do? for step-by-step instructions to safe compliance.

In this four-part web video series, attorney Steve Meister discusses how health care professionals can protect their patients and themselves in these situations — while always doing the right thing medically, legally, and ethically. This video series is presented by the Cooperative of American Physicians, Inc.




If you have questions about this article, please contact us. This information should not be considered legal advice applicable to a specific situation. Legal guidance for individual matters should be obtained from a retained attorney.