Consider these scenarios:
- A medication error occurs in your office. The patient codes and is now on their way to the hospital with EMS.
- A patient experiences a serious complication after a routine outpatient surgery and is now being admitted to the hospital.
- An angry patient phones or sends a letter to you complaining about their medical care.
Ask yourself - How should I handle the situation to minimize liability? What should I document in the medical record? Can I waive any fees or reimburse them for any costs associated with the event? Should I call back or write the angry patient, and what do I say?
What is CAP Cares?
CAP Cares is a specialized division within the Risk Management and Patient Safety Department staffed with a team of experts knowledgeable in medical liability early intervention. They help members manage adverse events/unanticipated outcomes that arise from patient care by:
- Gathering important facts
- Thoughtfully analyzing the adverse event/unanticipated outcome
- Preparing members for conversations with the patient and family
- Providing risk management guidance and solutions
- Discussing fee waiver and reimbursement potential
The CAP Cares Hotline is available 24-hours a day, seven-days-a-week. We encourage you to call 800-252-0555 when a problem arises. A copy of The Physician’s Guide to Handling Adverse Outcomes is available here.
Authored by Amy McLain, BSN, RN
Risk Management and Patient Safety/CAP Cares Specialist
This information should not be considered legal advice applicable to a specific situation. Legal guidance for individual matters should be obtained from a trained attorney.