CAP can assist you with several new laws and regulations impacting California medical practices that went into effect in January 2023.
Learn more about available resources and the steps you need to take to comply.
1. Data Exchange Framework (DxF) Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) - Deadline to sign up was January 31, 2023
The Data Exchange Framework was put in place to create an equitable, affordable health information exchange for patients, providers, and other healthcare entities to access health information at any time.
The DxF DSA CalHHS Data Sharing Agreement Signing Portal at is now open for entities and providers to sign up.
California Health and Safety code requires most providers and healthcare entities to have signed the DSA by January 31, 2023.
For more information, please visit CalHHS at
2. Immunization Registry - Effective January 1, 2023
Effective January 1, 2023, a new state law requires providers administering vaccines to register the vaccines they administer into the California Immunization Registry (CAIR).
Contact the CAIR Help Desk ( or 800-578-7889) or your local CAIR representative with any questions, or to find out whether your practice is already participating.
For more information, see the California Department of Public Health Immunization Registry FAQs.
3. Notice to Patients (Consumers) - Effective January 1, 2023
Beginning January 1, 2023, all licensees and registrants of the Medical Board of California must provide notice to each patient or client that they are licensed/registered and regulated by the Board, and their license/registration can be checked and complaints against the licensee/registrant can be made through the Board’s website or by contacting the Board.
The notice shall include a quick response (QR) code that leads to the Board’s Notice to Consumer webpage and shall contain the following statement and information:

Licensees/registrants may comply with this requirement by doing one of the following:
Post the notice in an area visible to patients/clients on the premises where the licensee/registrant provides the professional services in at least 38-point type in Arial font (sample signs are provided below).
Include the notice and an acknowledgement of receipt and understanding in a written statement in a language understood by the patient/client or their representative, signed and dated by the patient/client or their representative and retained in that patient's/client’s medical records. The notice and acknowledgement of receipt and understanding may be provided and maintained in an electronic format (sample notices and acknowledgements of receipt and understanding are provided below); or
Include the notice in a language understood by the patient/client or their representative in a statement on letterhead, discharge instructions, or other document given to a patient/client or their representative, where the notice is placed immediately above the signature line for the patient/client in at least 14-point type.
Sample postings with QR code in various languages can be found at
You or any of your employees may contact Andie Tena, Director of Practice Management Services, at or at 213-473-8630 for assistance.
Andie Tena is CAP’s Director of Practice Management Services. Questions or comments related to this column should be directed to