Handoffs occur any time there is a transfer of responsibility for a patient from one caregiver to another. Regulatory and accrediting bodies are well aware of the dangers of ineffective handoffs.
As a means of generating more revenue, physicians are becoming more creative with the types of programs and services they provide to patients and non-patients alike. The problem is some or all of these services may fall outside the scope of CAP’s medical liability coverage.
Smartphone technology has opened up a world where communication is quick and convenient and its capabilities have been fully embraced by physicians. With all these capabilities at your fingertips are you potentially violating HIPAA when texting? Here are the top ten things you can do to safeguard your practice today.
This presentation will teach you to recognize how the routine practices and systems in your office may put you at risk. It will provide practical tools and strategies aimed at mitigating risk in your office. Even minor changes in this area can ultimately increase patient safety and satisfaction.