How does that old saying go? “A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down” (Mary Poppins, 1964). When it comes to customer service, this saying rings true.
In today’s environment, consumers want “on-demand” care. How can physicians shift from a short-term intervention to a long-term strategy? Can telehealth enhance the care you provide? How can you keep what you have but expand the services you provide?
Do you have an “independent contractor” physician or practitioner seeing patients in your medical practice? Do you allow an outside service to perform ultrasounds, bone density scans, lab work, aesthetic treatments, or other services in your medical practice? If the answer is yes, you may be liable for that person’s actions.
You’ve heard of cases where scissors, retractors, forceps, sponges, and other items get left behind in patients during surgery. Considering the risk of “fuzzy math," we’ve picked up on a few things we thought would be good for all surgeons to know.
A goal of CAP’s Risk Management and Patient Safety team is to provide education to our members that will improve medical care for all patients. This article will help you, our members, understand the LGBTQIA+ patient, offers risk strategies for better care, and provide additional resources to learn more.