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The Patient Safety Advocate, Edition 3: Medication Safety

Medication Reconciliation

When asked, “What keeps a hospitalist up at night?” Jeff Shapiro, MD, hospitalist at Central Valley Health Partners at Foothill Presbyterian Hospital answered, “Well, I can tell you it used to be medication reconciliation.” 

On-Demand Webinar: Key Strategies for Ensuring a Profitable Independent Practice
During this one-hour program, practice management expert Debra Phairas discusses how various business models and operational enhancements can increase revenue to help your practice remain successful in today’s competitive marketplace.

Interviewing Like a Pro 

Obtaining an accurate medications list from a patient can be a painstaking endeavor with dubious payoff. Experts advise tapping into multiple sources of information. 

New Year’s Resolution: Medication Safety 

At the forefront of the movement to improve medication safety, the ISMP has been collecting and analyzing medication error reports over the past 35 years and sharing those “lessons learned” with the health care community. 

Chief of Staff Boot Camp®: Aligning Physicians and Executive Leaders 

Despite the rapid and unprecedented change in health care, one thing is constant — physician expertise will always be in demand and will continue to define quality of care. 



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