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New Health Care Law Requires Disclosure of Education and Board Certification

Effective January 1, 2011, AB 583 (Hayashi), a new health care consumer protection law, requires that a health care practitioner communicate to a patient his or her name, license type, and highest level of academic degree by one of the two following methods: 

  • In writing at the patient's initial office encounter using at least 24-point type and listing the required information: 
  1. Name and license type (e.g. MD, DO, PA, DDS, RN, PT)
  2. Highest level of academic degree*
    * Nurses and pharmacists are not required to list their level of academic degree.  
  3. Board certification, if certified in a medical specialty (physicians and surgeons only, including osteopaths)
  • In a prominent display in an area visible to patients in his or her office

Additionally, the information must also be placed on the health care practitioner's professional website.

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The following format must be used:


  1. Name and license........................... .
  2. Highest level of academic degree........... .
  3. Board certification (ABMS/MBC)............. .

According to the bill's author, this "Truth in Advertising" law was passed to help consumers make better informed health care decisions by distinguishing between physicians and non-physician practitioners. Click here for the full text of AB 583. 

To meet the needs of its members, CAP offers three versions of a template in the mandated format. Download the appropriate file(s) below and fill in the blank fields with your practice information.

Notice to Consumers MD Sign (English)

Notice to Consumers PA Sign (English)

Notice to Consumers MD Sign (Spanish)


Authored by 
Georgia McCullough, RN, JD
CAP Risk Management & Patient Safety


If you have questions about this article, please contact us. This information should not be considered legal advice applicable to a specific situation. Legal guidance for individual matters should be obtained from a retained attorney.