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Do You Really Know How Your Patients Feel About Your Office?

Often, physicians do not feel the need to conduct surveys related to patient satisfaction because they feel that their patients "love" them.

However, established patients may feel uncomfortable discussing an issue they are having with the office. Sometimes, offering patients a private way to voice their concerns is a fantastic way to get more information on your practice and identify things that can be improved. 

On-Demand Webinar: Key Strategies for Ensuring a Profitable Independent Practice
During this one-hour program, practice management expert Debra Phairas discusses how various business models and operational enhancements can increase revenue to help your practice remain successful in today’s competitive marketplace.

Why is patient satisfaction important? Studies show when patients perceive that there is a lack of caring on the part of their doctor, the likelihood of a malpractice lawsuit increases. Decreasing the likelihood of malpractice lawsuits by improving patient safety and satisfaction is the primary goal of the CAP's Risk Management Department.

CAP has a quick and easy tool to help you assess patient satisfaction. After the patient is seen by the physician, the brief 15-question survey is completed by the patient and collected in the office. Once the surveys are returned, data is scored and analyzed by computer. Then, you will receive a comprehensive report providing data and detailed risk management recommendations. 

In addition to providing valuable feedback, the Patient Satisfaction Survey demonstrates to patients you care about them and you value their opinions regarding how they perceive the office.

Improve patient satisfaction in your office today! Obtain your free Patient Satisfaction Survey, available in English and Spanish, by calling CAP's Risk Management & Patient Safety Department at 800-252-7706.  


Authored by
Kim Danebrock, RN, JD
Senior Risk Management & Patient Safety Specialist


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