A cyberattack masquerading as a Southern California Association for Healthcare Risk Management (SCAHRM) mailing containing a DVD about an active shooter training program has been mailed to healthcare providers in California.
THIS IS NOT A SCAHRM program - however the packaging has what appears to be the logos for SCAHRM and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
If you receive one of these packages, DO NOT INSTALL THE DVD. You should not insert any CD, DVD, or flash drive into your computer unless you are absolutely certain of the source.
The DVD in the photo contained a viral payload of unknown purpose – but likely contains extortionware or PHI collecting capabilities. Fortunately, network protective applications caught the virus before it could install and wreak havoc on the recipient.
As a security precaution – SCAHRM will ALWAYS notify all members when they are actually “partnering” with any organization to bring you meaningful and relevant information. If you receive content that falls outside that communication process you should exercise caution if you elect to open that media.

This information should not be considered legal advice applicable to a specific situation. Legal guidance for individual matters should be obtained from a retained attorney.